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Accessing Swift Object Storage with the S3 API
Access and manage our swift containers using S3 compatible clients
OpenStack Swift Introduction
An introduction to the most commonly used features in OpenStack Swift
Fixing outbound network issues in Windows by disabling TSO
How to disable the TSO option in the VirtIO/KVM-Net driver to regain lost TX speed in Windows instances.
Managing Object Storage via Dashboard
How to manage Openstack Swift Object Storage via the Zetta.IO Dashboard.
How to get started with Zetta.IO and Object Storage
How to get started with Zetta.IO and the Object Storage service. The new account registration process, billing setup and enabling the service.
Backing up Linux with Duply and Duplicity
Backing up your servers critical data is extremly critical in a cloud environment where cloud servers are considered ephermal. In this tutorial we will look at utilizing Object Storage in combination with open source projects to add encrypted, trusted and unlimited backup to your application platform.
Creating Images with Packer
Packer is an open source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly performant, creating machine images for multiple platforms in parallel.
Managing your cloud resources from the CLI
In this short tutorial I will demonstrate how to create and terminate virtual machines from the command-line interface. In OpenStack, there are two interfaces for managing your cloud resources. One is via the web-based Openstack Dashboard, the other is via the Openstack Client (OSC), a unified command-line client that combines the older openstack utilities into a single shell.
Customizing instance deployment with Cloud-init
Deploying an instance in the cloud based on a generic system image will often give you a very bare-bones installation, requiring local modifications before it is usable. In this tutorial we will look at customizing deployments using Cloud-init, the defacto multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance.
Cloud-Init Reference
This is an overview of most of the settings available for the Openstack-relevant modules in Cloud-init.
Billing and payments
Billing and Payments FAQ
Docker Machine
In December 2014 Docker Inc. announced Docker Machine, Swarm and Compose for orchestrating distributed applications. Docker Machine eliminates the need to create virtual machines and install Docker before starting Docker containers, and handles provisioning and installation of all components for you.

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