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Backing up Linux with Duply and Duplicity

Backing up your servers critical data is extremly critical in a cloud environment where cloud servers are considered ephermal.

In this tutorial we will look at utilizing Object Storage in combination with open source projects to add encrypted, trusted and unlimited backup to your application platform.

Duplicity is a great backup tool written in Python that supports a wide array of remote storage systems.

Duply is a frontend for Duplicity that simplifies the process of automating backups.

The target system for this tutorial is Ubuntu Server 14.04, so all instructions here might not apply to your distribution. Duplicity should work on most Unix-like systems, and has been known to also work under Windows.


First we need to install all required software and dependencies.


These instructions add third-party package repositories to your servers, third-party binaries without packaging and use PIP to install Python packages.


Support for Swift with Identity v3 was just recently added to Duplicity in version 0.7.04. To get the latest version, we add the Duplicity Team Stable PPA.

user@server$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:duplicity-team/ppa
user@server$ sudo apt-get update
user@server$ sudo apt-get install duplicity


We need an up to date version of Duply (>=1.10.1). Since Duply only consists of one binary we opt for the easy solutions of installing the development version directly:

user@server$ wget -O duply
user@server$ chmod 755 duply
user@server$ sudo chown root:root duply
user@server$ sudo mv duply /usr/local/bin/

Openstack Swift

We also need recent copies of various Openstack Python libraries on the system. Since these are not generally available via a PPA, we opt for installing them directly using PIP:

user@server$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
user@server$ sudo pip install 'requests[security]' python-swiftclient python-keystoneclient

Encryption and Signing

Duplicity supports the use of PGP keys for encryption and signing of backups. We encrypt all backups to two sets of PGP keys, one key for the server itself, and one centralized key for emergencies. This centralized key can be used to decrypt all backups, while the local server key can only decrypt its own backups.

First we create our centralized key. This should only be created once, preferably on your local workstation. Remember to set a secure passphrase.

Use "RSA and RSA" as Type, "2048" bits and no expiration ("0"). Set "Real Name" to "Master Backup Key", "Email" to "" (or similar) and "Comment" to your domain, here we use "".

user@workstation$ gpg --gen-key
pub   2048R/545DDA1E 2015-08-19
      Key fingerprint = BBF4 1F21 1FED 8FAF 0D15  A02C A19C D056 545D DA1F
uid                  Master Backup Key ( <>
sub   2048R/A1A13C72 2015-08-19

We've now created a master keypair. The ID is "545DDA1E".

You should store a copy of the private key somewhere safe, preferably on multiple secure locations. To export it, use the following command:

workstation$ gpg --armor --export-secret-key -a MASTER_KEY_ID

The pubic key needs to be added to the server we are backing up. Export it from the workstations trustdb:

user@workstation$ gpg --armor --export -a MASTER_KEY_ID
Version: GnuPG v1


Copy the output into your clipboard, and add it to your server:

user@server$ sudo -i gpg --import
gpg: keyring `/root/.gnupg/secring.gpg' created

Paste the public key into the window, followed by Control-D.

Version: GnuPG v1

gpg: key 545DDA1E: public key "Master Backup Key ( <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1)

Create a keypair for the server. This is done on the server itself. Since the server is headless and virtual, it might not have enough entropy to generate a keypair in a timely manner. We can work around this by installing "haveged" first:

user@server$ sudo apt-get install haveged

Create the keypair. Again we use "RSA and RSA" as type, "2048" bits and no expiration ("0"). We set the "Real Name" to "Host Backup Key", Email to "" and Comment to the FQDN of the server, "".

user@server$ sudo -i gpg --gen-key
pub   2048R/B42A8F0E 2015-08-19
      Key fingerprint = BEB5 3FC7 363C 2DE7 6BF7  900A 2319 5DC5 B42A 8F0E
uid                  Host Backup Key ( <>
sub   2048R/C6A9286C 2015-08-19

Now sign the Master Key using the Host Key:

user@server$ sudo -i gpg -u HOST_KEY_ID --sign-key MASTER_KEY_ID

Configuring Duply

Create a directory for system-wide profiles and a directory for logs:

user@server$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/duply /var/log/duply

Create a duply profile. We use the hostname as the profile name, as it is a system-wide profile.

user@server$ sudo -i duply $HOSTNAME create

Edit the default profile configuration using your preferred editor,

user@server$ sudo editor /etc/duply/$HOSTNAME/conf

You should end up with a configuration file looking something like this:


# Base directory to backup

# Target for backup

# Openstack Swift
export SWIFT_REGION_NAME='no-osl1'
export SWIFT_TENANTNAME='Standard'

# Openstack Swift Object Size

# Backup retention

Let's go over some of the options:

GPG_KEYS_ENC is a comma-separated list of public key IDs to use as target for encryption. We use the KEY ID of the server and the centralized master key.

GPG_KEY_SIGN is the key we use to sign the backup, to verify that files has not been modified. We use the KEY ID of the server.

GPG_PW is the passphrase for the hosts private key.

SOURCE is the base path for your backup. Here we have set it to the root of the filesystem.

TARGET is the destination for the backup. "swift://" indicates that we want to use the Openstack Swift backend, and the remainder is the name of the container. You should use a separate container per backup profile. Here we use a container name consisting of the prefix "backup-" followed by the FQDN wich is "" in our case. If you use more than one policy per server, you can suffix it with the profile name.

SWIFT_AUTHURL is  the URL for the Zetta.IO Keystone Identity server.

SWIFT_USERNAME, SWIFT_PASSWORD and SWIFT_USER_DOMAIN_NAME is the credentials you use to authenticate to Openstack.

SWIFT_TENANTNAME is the name of the project/tenant you want to scope to. At Zetta.IO the default project name is "Standard".


MAX_AGE is how far back in time you want backups to be kept. Here we use "2M" wich is two months.

MAX_FULL_BACKUPS is how many full backups we want to keep. Here we use "2" to have two full backup sets.

MAX_FULLS_WITH_INCRS is how many full backups with incremental backups we want to keep. Here we use "1" to indicate that we only want incremental granularity for the last full backup.

MAX_FULLBKP_AGE is how long we should to incremental backups before we need to do a full backup. Here we use "1M" to indicate that we take a new full backup every month.

Please refer to the Duply documentation for more information about these options.

Since SOURCE is set to '/' we need to set up an exclude-file to limit what we back up:

user@server$ sudo editor /etc/duply/$HOSTNAME/exclude

Although the file is called "exclude", it is actually a globbing file list. You should end up with a configuration file looking something like this:

+ /etc
+ /root
+ /var/mail
+ /var/spool/cron
+ /var/www
+ /opt
+ /srv
+ /home

This file will INCLUDE (prefixed with +) the directories /etc, /root, /var/mail, /var/spool/cron, /var/www, /opt, /srv and /home in the backup.

It will EXCLUDE (**) everything else.

Modify it so that it suits your setup.


Now we should be able to do our first full backup:

user@server$ sudo -i duply $HOSTNAME backup

You should now get an output similar to this, without any errors:

Start duply v1.10.1, time is 2015-08-19 18:29:04.
Using profile '/etc/duply/server'.
Using installed duplicity version 0.7.04, python 2.7.6, gpg 1.4.16 (Home: ~/.gnupg), awk 'GNU Awk 4.0.1', grep 'grep (GNU grep) 2.16', bash '4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)'.
Checking TEMP_DIR '/tmp' is a folder (OK)
Checking TEMP_DIR '/tmp' is writable (OK)
Test - Encrypt to 'B42A8F0E','545DDA1E' & Sign with 'B42A8F0E' (OK)
Test - Decrypt (OK)
Test - Compare (OK)
Cleanup - Delete '/tmp/duply.23938.1440001744_*'(OK)

--- Start running command PRE at 18:29:04.619 ---
Skipping n/a script '/etc/duply/server/pre'.
--- Finished state OK at 18:29:04.635 - Runtime 00:00:00.016 ---

--- Start running command BKP at 18:29:04.649 ---
Reading globbing filelist /etc/duply/server/exclude
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
Last full backup date: none
Last full backup is too old, forcing full backup
--------------[ Backup Statistics ]--------------
StartTime 1440001745.84 (Wed Aug 19 18:29:05 2015)
EndTime 1440001866.41 (Wed Aug 19 18:31:06 2015)
ElapsedTime 120.56 (2 minutes)
SourceFiles 33875
SourceFileSize 939478826 (896 MB)
NewFiles 33875
NewFileSize 939478826 (896 MB)
DeletedFiles 0
ChangedFiles 0
ChangedFileSize 0 (0 bytes)
ChangedDeltaSize 0 (0 bytes)
DeltaEntries 33875
RawDeltaSize 916639093 (874 MB)
TotalDestinationSizeChange 242336109 (231 MB)
Errors 0

--- Finished state OK at 18:31:11.600 - Runtime 00:02:06.950 ---

--- Start running command POST at 18:31:11.615 ---
Skipping n/a script '/etc/duply/server/post'.
--- Finished state OK at 18:31:11.634 - Runtime 00:00:00.018 ---

You can now check the status of the backup:

user@server:~$ sudo -i duply $HOSTNAME status
Start duply v1.10.1, time is 2015-08-19 18:44:32.
Using profile '/etc/duply/server'.
Using installed duplicity version 0.7.04, python 2.7.6, gpg 1.4.16 (Home: ~/.gnupg), awk 'GNU Awk 4.0.1', grep 'grep (GNU grep) 2.16', bash '4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)'.
Checking TEMP_DIR '/tmp' is a folder (OK)
Checking TEMP_DIR '/tmp' is writable (OK)
Test - Encrypt to 'B42A8F0E','545DDA1E' & Sign with 'B42A8F0E' (OK)
Test - Decrypt (OK)
Test - Compare (OK)
Cleanup - Delete '/tmp/duply.24554.1440002672_*'(OK)

--- Start running command STATUS at 18:44:32.575 ---
Local and Remote metadata are synchronized, no sync needed.
Last full backup date: Wed Aug 19 18:29:05 2015
Collection Status
Connecting with backend: BackendWrapper
Archive dir: /root/.cache/duplicity/duply_server

Found 0 secondary backup chains.

Found primary backup chain with matching signature chain:
Chain start time: Wed Aug 19 18:29:05 2015
Chain end time: Wed Aug 19 18:29:05 2015
Number of contained backup sets: 1
Total number of contained volumes: 3
 Type of backup set:                            Time:      Num volumes:
                Full         Wed Aug 19 18:29:05 2015                 3
No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found.
--- Finished state OK at 18:44:34.249 - Runtime 00:00:01.674 ---

Now would be a good time to copy your duply profiles folder to a remote secure location:

user@server$ sudo tar zcvf /etc/duply
user@server$ scp

This archive include your servers PGP keys and all settings required for a full restore.

Automating the backup job

Now that we know that the backup profile works, we set it up to run daily. Add the following to your existing /etc/crontab or create a new /etc/cron.d/duply file:

user@server$ sudo editor /etc/cron.d/duply
0 1 * * * root : Duply Backup Error ; P=server ; LOGFILE="/var/log/duply/${P}.$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).log"; duply ${P} backup 1>>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1 || cat "$LOGFILE"

Be sure to change "P=server" to "P=PROFILENAME" above. The profile name is your hostname.

In case Duply/Duplicity exists with an error, the logfile will be sent by email to whoever is set as recipient in MAILTO. This requires that system mail delivery is working, using either a local MTA or something like nullmailer.

Deleting old backups

Old backup sets are not deleted automatically. To delete these and free up space, use the "purge" command to list outdated backup sets, and the "purge --force" command to delete them.


We recentely started a project creating a service written in Golang what configures, schedules and runs duply backup and purge. Find the project on Github. Feedback and contributions are welcome.


This is by no means a complete backup solution yet. Things to look into to expand on the setup could be:

  • Databases
    • Restores will probably fail. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Zookeeper, Cassandra etc should first be backed up to disk using the vendor supplied tools in a PRE-script before the file backup is run.
  • Security
    • If you authenticate to Swift with an Openstack user with full privileges, a comprimised server could ultimately leak your full credentials. Setting up a separate account/project/container ACL might be a good idea and needs to be investigated.
  • Large static datasents
    • If you have large amounts of data that seldom changes, it might be a good idea to not rotate the full backup every month, but instead do incremental backups forever. This will increase the recovery time, but will prevent a complete data dump every month. This can be achieved by using multiple profiles.
  • Configuration Management
    • Automatic deployment of Duply and Duplicity using configuration management tools like SaltStack, Puppet, Ansible and Chef.

If you have any feedback or tips to share, be free to post in our forum.

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