Current prices as of 2016-04-10.
All usage is charged in Norwegian Krone (NOK). Prices in other currencies are an estimate based on current exchange rates. Your usage will be billed based on the exchange rate at the day of billing. Rates are for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice.
Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. Norwegian residents and business entities will be charged with a 25% VAT.
For more information, please refer to our FAQ and our terms and conditions.
Compute is a complete virtual computing environment, allowing you build a complete server infrastructure using the latest tools and methods.
If you require a different combination of memory/compute/storage, please contact us.
Instances: On-Demand
On-demand compute instances are billed on an hourly basis, giving you complete flexibility to scale your platform up and down without long-term commitments. This frees you from the costs and complexities of planning, purchasing, and maintaining hardware and transforms what are commonly large fixed costs into much smaller variable costs.
The prices below includes the cost of running instances created from public and private operating system images.
General Purpose
The general purpose (M3) instances deliver fixed performance and a good balance between processing capabilites and memory. They are suited for most application workloads.
Each vCPU corresponds to a hardware cpu thread and is reserved. There are no overbooking of RAM or CPU.
Instances running most linux-based images and "bring your own license" images without any licensing.

Flavor | CPU | Memory | Disk | Price/Hour |
Medium | 1 vCPUs | 4 GB | 14 GB | 0.560 NOK 0.567 SEK 0.365 DKK 0.049 EUR 0.052 USD |
Large | 2 vCPUs | 8 GB | 28 GB | 1.120 NOK 1.133 SEK 0.729 DKK 0.098 EUR 0.103 USD |
XLarge | 4 vCPUs | 16 GB | 56 GB | 2.230 NOK 2.255 SEK 1.450 DKK 0.195 EUR 0.204 USD |
2XLarge | 8 vCPUs | 32 GB | 112 GB | 4.450 NOK 4.499 SEK 2.894 DKK 0.388 EUR 0.407 USD |
Instances launched with licensed Microsoft Windows images.

Flavor | CPU | Memory | Disk | Price/Hour |
Medium | 1 vCPUs | 4 GB | 14 GB | 0.760 NOK 0.769 SEK 0.495 DKK 0.067 EUR 0.070 USD |
Large | 2 vCPUs | 8 GB | 28 GB | 1.520 NOK 1.537 SEK 0.989 DKK 0.133 EUR 0.139 USD |
XLarge | 4 vCPUs | 16 GB | 56 GB | 3.030 NOK 3.063 SEK 1.970 DKK 0.265 EUR 0.277 USD |
2XLarge | 8 vCPUs | 32 GB | 112 GB | 6.050 NOK 6.116 SEK 3.934 DKK 0.528 EUR 0.553 USD |
Flexible Instances
For testing or development purposes with burst-like usage patterns, we offer flexible instances (T2). These instances does not have reserved and dedicated CPU capacity, and share more resources with other users. They also do not have any local SSD storage, instead you allocate the amount of storage you need from centralized volume storage.
Instances running most linux-based images and "bring your own license" images without any licensing.

Flavor | CPU | Memory | Disk | Price/Hour |
Micro | 1 vCPUs | 1 GB | Volume Storage Only | 0.110 NOK 0.112 SEK 0.072 DKK 0.010 EUR 0.011 USD |
Small | 2 vCPUs | 2 GB | Volume Storage Only | 0.220 NOK 0.223 SEK 0.144 DKK 0.020 EUR 0.021 USD |
Instances launched with licensed Microsoft Windows images.

Flavor | CPU | Memory | Disk | Price/Hour |
Micro | 1 vCPUs | 1 GB | Volume Storage Only | 0.310 NOK 0.314 SEK 0.202 DKK 0.028 EUR 0.029 USD |
Small | 2 vCPUs | 2 GB | Volume Storage Only | 0.420 NOK 0.425 SEK 0.274 DKK 0.037 EUR 0.039 USD |
Reserved Instances
By reserving capacity in the cloud, you are guaranteed resources for your long-running projects, and you will also recieve a discount based on your commitment.
Please contact our sales team for more details.
The disk image service lets you create or upload your own operating system images to use for instances. The service can also be used to snapshot the current local disk state of an instance, enabling you to get a point of time recovery point or a base-image for other instances.
Image storage is billed monthly, based on the space average space utilized for the invoice period.

Image Storage | 0.600 NOK/GB/month 0.607 SEK/GB/month 0.391 DKK/GB/month 0.053 EUR/GB/month 0.055 USD/GB/month |
Block Storage volumes are used for persistent storage for your instances. Persistent storage means that the storage resource outlives any other resource and is always available, regardless of the state of a running instance.

Magnetic (SATA) | 0.600 NOK/GB/month 0.607 SEK/GB/month 0.391 DKK/GB/month 0.053 EUR/GB/month 0.055 USD/GB/month |
Standard (SSD) | 1.800 NOK/GB/month 1.820 SEK/GB/month 1.171 DKK/GB/month 0.157 EUR/GB/month 0.165 USD/GB/month |

Magnetic (SATA) Snapshot Storage | 0.600 NOK/GB/month 0.607 SEK/GB/month 0.391 DKK/GB/month 0.053 EUR/GB/month 0.055 USD/GB/month |
Standard (SSD) Snapshot Storage | 1.800 NOK/GB/month 1.820 SEK/GB/month 1.171 DKK/GB/month 0.157 EUR/GB/month 0.165 USD/GB/month |
The compute infrastructure feature a fully virtualized networking platform. This enables you to recreate complex networking scenarios and duplicate existing datacenter deployments.
Bandwidth is charged on a pr. GB basis. We only charge for egress (outbound) network transfers, ingress (inbound) network transfers are free. Internal communication on the same network is also free. We aggregate all bandwidth usage on instances and object storage across all availability zones and regions, and charge based on the rates below.

Up to 10 TB | Next 10 TB | Next 50 TB | Next 100 TB | |
Public (Outbound) | Free | 0.300 NOK/GB 0.304 SEK/GB 0.196 DKK/GB 0.027 EUR/GB 0.028 USD/GB | 0.250 NOK/GB 0.253 SEK/GB 0.163 DKK/GB 0.022 EUR/GB 0.023 USD/GB | 0.201 NOK/GB 0.203 SEK/GB 0.131 DKK/GB 0.018 EUR/GB 0.019 USD/GB |
Public (Inbound) | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Internal in availability zone | Free | Free | Free | Free |
Internal between availability zones | Free | 0.051 NOK/GB 0.051 SEK/GB 0.033 DKK/GB 0.005 EUR/GB 0.005 USD/GB | 0.030 NOK/GB 0.031 SEK/GB 0.020 DKK/GB 0.003 EUR/GB 0.003 USD/GB | 0.021 NOK/GB 0.021 SEK/GB 0.014 DKK/GB 0.002 EUR/GB 0.002 USD/GB |
Internal between regions | Free | 0.101 NOK/GB 0.102 SEK/GB 0.066 DKK/GB 0.009 EUR/GB 0.010 USD/GB | 0.071 NOK/GB 0.071 SEK/GB 0.046 DKK/GB 0.007 EUR/GB 0.007 USD/GB | 0.051 NOK/GB 0.051 SEK/GB 0.033 DKK/GB 0.005 EUR/GB 0.005 USD/GB |
Object Storage
Our pricing is based on the average amount of storage used each month and the amount of data transferred.

Policy | Up to 50 TB | Next 450 TB | Next 500 TB | Above 1000 TB |
Standard | 0.501 NOK/GB 0.506 SEK/GB 0.326 DKK/GB 0.044 EUR/GB 0.046 USD/GB | 0.490 NOK/GB 0.496 SEK/GB 0.319 DKK/GB 0.043 EUR/GB 0.045 USD/GB | 0.470 NOK/GB 0.476 SEK/GB 0.306 DKK/GB 0.041 EUR/GB 0.043 USD/GB | 0.451 NOK/GB 0.455 SEK/GB 0.293 DKK/GB 0.040 EUR/GB 0.042 USD/GB |
Reduced | 0.350 NOK/GB 0.354 SEK/GB 0.228 DKK/GB 0.031 EUR/GB 0.032 USD/GB | 0.341 NOK/GB 0.344 SEK/GB 0.222 DKK/GB 0.030 EUR/GB 0.032 USD/GB | 0.331 NOK/GB 0.334 SEK/GB 0.215 DKK/GB 0.029 EUR/GB 0.031 USD/GB | 0.321 NOK/GB 0.324 SEK/GB 0.209 DKK/GB 0.028 EUR/GB 0.030 USD/GB |
The "Standard" storage policy keeps 3 replicas of your object. The "Reduced" storage policy only keeps 2 replicas, reducing durability and availability.
Bandwidth is charged on a pr. GB basis. We only charge for egress (outbound) network transfers, ingress (inbound) network transfers are free. Prices are the same as for compute bandwidth.
All domains with a monthly usage exceeding certain amounts will recieve a percentage based discount. This will be automatically deducted from the total usage at the end of each month.
10K | 20K | 30K | 50K | 100k |
2% | 4% | 6% | 8% | 10% |
You can choose to lock one or multiple amounts of usage per month with a commitment duration of 12, 24 or 36 months. By doing this you guarantee to at least reach the locked amounts for the entire commitment duration in exchange for a discount. This applies to usage in general and do not lock you to specific services or products. Contact us to set up discounts or if you have questions.
12 Months | 24 Months | 36 Months |
20% | 30% | 40% |
Prepayment discounts are connected to commitments. Paying for usage in advance grants the following discounts:
12 Months | 24 Months | 36 Months |
2.5% | 5.0% | 7.5% |
Discount Example: Simple
You have a fairly predictable usage per month of 2000 NOK and this is expected to continue in the future. Agreeing to a 3 year commitment of 2000 NOK per month gives a 40% discount reducing the cost to 1200 NOK per month. This will be the minimum amount you have to pay each month for the entire contract duration. Usage above the commited amount is not discounted.
In addition you can choose to prepay for 12, 24 or 36 months of usage gaining additional discounts.
Terms & Conditions
© Zetta.IO Technology 2024